This surely isn't new, but I just discovered it, and maybe you don't know. For a long time, people have had mixed levels of success getting Anarchy Online to run in Linux. For some people it worked great, others got it to run, but not within acceptable limits, and some had zero success.
Now, thanks to our friends over at Transgaming, it looks like the success rate can be 100%. Transgaming's flagship product, Cedega, runs AO amazingly. It has a built in configuration profiles for several games, using a database of games.
If you aren't familiar with Anarchy Online, it's a MMORPG based in the future, on a planet called Rubi-Ka. Unlike most MMO games, it's not about magic and whatnot. It's full-on sci-fi. Instead of magic spells, you have nanoprograms. Things like that. Also, a basic AO subscription is free. This includes only the basic game, not the expansion packs. But the basic game is plenty fun.
If you're a Linux user, and looking for a fun MMO, go give Transgaming some monetary support and download Cedega, and grab AO too. It's lots of fun, and if you do join, contact me, we'll meet up. :)
My characters (currently I play Fastrayray most of the time):
- Fastrayray, Omni-Tek Fixer
- Tehrayray, Clan Nano-Technician
- Bigrayray, Clan Enforcer
- Kingrayray, Clan Agent
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